Don’t let your doctor talk you into IUI (intrauterine insemination) or IVF (in vitro fertilization) too soon. These aren’t the only hope for conceiving.
Getting pregnant is one of those things in life that’s difficult to balance. Most of us don’t want to have a baby until suddenly we do, and then we’re anxious to get pregnant as fast as possible. For couples who wait until later in life (after age 35 and over) to expand their families, the process can seem even slower and more stressful. Each month of trying to conceive can feel like a lifetime.
Most couples will seek a doctor’s help after failing to conceive for a period of time. However, a lot of these couples are not properly informed on all of the natural ways/options to achieve pregnancy. They are instead quickly pushed toward conventional and costly fertility treatments like IVF or IUI without being educated on all their options.
At the end of the day, we should all choose what’s right for us, but there’s a lot to learn about fertility treatments and natural alternatives that can make the conception process safe, beautiful, less stressful and less stressful.
There are many cons to conventional fertility treatments that couples must be aware of:
Most fertility treatments are extremely expensive. The average cost of an IVF cycle in Kenya is around Kshs.400,000/-.
Success rate.
The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies reports that, as of 2011, the best chance that an IVF cycle will result in a live birth is 40 percent, and it can be as low as ten percent.
Fertility treatments have been shown to be very taxing both on a woman’s body and on the couple. Some patients have rated the stress of undergoing IVF as more stressful than or almost as stressful as any other major life event, such as the death of a family member or separation or divorce.”
Side effects.
Most fertility treatments come with side effects, including mood swings, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea and fatigue.
Moral considerations.
Many couples don’t take the time to discuss how many embryos to transfer, what to do with the extra eggs and/or embryos, or what to do if they need a donor egg or donor sperm.
So what are the Natural Alternatives to Conventional Fertility Treatments?
Before going down the expensive and difficult road of fertility treatments, there are a number of natural ways to boost fertility that couples can explore.
Natural alternatives are significantly less expensive. They’re also safe, easy, and incredibly effective.
Track ovulation.
Lack of fertility awareness is a major factor in some couples’ inability to conceive. By learning to track fertility signs, couples can accurately predict when ovulation is going to occur and time intercourse appropriately. There are a number of fertility tracking tools available online.
Improve overall health.
There are often general health issues that can prevent pregnancy that many couples aren’t aware of. Improving each partner’s overall health by maintaining a healthy weight, improving nutrition, and getting moderate exercise will enhance fertility.
Many natural products such as herbs, minerals, and vitamins have been scientifically proven to help promote sperm health in men and hormonal balance in women.
- De-stress.
Stress is a fertility killer. Couples who have trouble getting pregnant should reevaluate all the activities and relationships in their lives that might be triggering stress. Exercise, meditation, and acupuncture are all effective ways to unwind.
When we’re ready to start our families but can’t seem to get pregnant, continuing the old-fashioned way can seem hopeless. It’s easy to get impatient, and it’s natural to turn to a doctor for help. But no couple should let a physician pressure them into fertility treatments or conventional medicine. We always have options, and there’s no right or wrong way to make a baby.
Even as you seek help from your doctor, be your own advocate, do your own research. Make an informed decision.